Keep track of your writing progress to grow your writing practice

Ask yourself these questions: How often do you write? How long is your typical writing session? What counts as “writing”? Had you asked me these questions earlier in my career, I probably would have responded: (1) Not often enough, (2) A few hours, (3) Work on a paper. Keeping track of my writing progress A …

How do you “half-work”?

Leisure is not an enemy of productivity. “Half-working” is. How do you keep your working time productive? I actively schedule “non-working” days and evenings. Planning for real breaks helps me to stave off “half-working.”#academiclife — Heather Johnson (@HthrLynnJ) December 3, 2017 By “half-working,” I mean time spent, typically at my computer, when I’m neither …

I study students’ mathematical reasoning, and I take real breaks.

Making time for leisure strengthens my scholarship. Leisure time is not a luxury, it is a necessity.#academiclife #PhD — Heather Johnson (@HthrLynnJ) March 17, 2017 This week I revisited an advice column, Workload Survival Guide for Academics, which I came across last year. Professor Andrew Oswald identified a price that comes along with the privilege of being …

Narrating students’ mathematical reasoning

Stories of “storytelling” have captured my interest this weekend: Storytelling is a vital human activity@SenorG — Heather Johnson (@HthrLynnJ) February 25, 2017 “We need to tell different stories to expand our cultural understanding of who can engage in mathematics.”#mtbos #mathchat #math — Heather Johnson (@HthrLynnJ) February 25, 2017 When I narrate students’ mathematical reasoning, …

Reaching a milestone, Allowing for introspection, Forging new possibilities

Reaching a milestone In 2016 I reached a milestone that I have been working toward for more than a decade. I earned tenure as a faculty member at a research intensive university. In 2005, when I shifted from high school classroom teacher to full time graduate student, I had only glimmers of notions of the journey that would …