Johnson, H. L., Olson, G., McClintock, E., Mesa, V., & Rasmussen, C. (2023). Theorizing a role of digital resources in promoting instructional change in mathematics departments. In B. Pepin, G. Gueudet, & J. Choppin (Eds.), Handbook of digital (curriculum) resources in mathematics education. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-95060-6_5-1
Johnson, H. L. (2022). An intellectual need for relationships: Engendering students’ quantitative and covariational reasoning. In: Karagöz Akar, G., Zembat, İ.Ö., Arslan, S., Thompson, P.W. (eds) Quantitative reasoning in mathematics and science education. Mathematics Education in the Digital Era, vol 21. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-14553-7_2
Johnson, H. L., McClintock, E. & Gardner, A. (2021). Opening possibilities: An approach for investigating students’ transfer of mathematical reasoning. In C. Hohensee & J. Lobato (Eds.), Transfer of learning: Progressive perspectives for mathematics education and related fields. (pp. 59-79). Switzerland: Springer Nature. DOWNLOAD
Johnson, H. L. (2016). Quantitative reasoning in mathematics education: Directions in research and practice. In R. A. Duschl & A. Bismack (Eds.), Reconceptualizing STEM education: The central role of practices (pp. 149-166). London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. DOWNLOAD
Johnson, H., Karunakaran, S., Fox, R., & McClintock, E. (2015). Square root of i: Situation 9 from the MACMTL-CPTM situations project. In M. K. Heid, P. S. Wilson, with G. W. Blume (Eds.), Mathematical understanding for secondary teaching: A framework and classroom-based situations (pp. 171-177). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing
Johnson, H., Karunakaran, S., McClintock, E., Nazarewicz, P., Jacobson, E., & Edenfield, K. (2015). Absolute value in complex plane: Situation 7 from the MACMTL-CPTM situations project. In M. K. Heid, P. S. Wilson, with G. W. Blume (Eds.), Mathematical understanding for secondary teaching: A framework and classroom-based situations (pp. 155-161). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing
Johnson, H., McClintock, E., Zbiek, R. M., Gleason, B., Broderick, S., & Wilson J. (2015). Graphing sin(2x): Situation 36 from the MACMTL-CPTM situations project. In M. In M. K. Heid, P. S. Wilson, with G. W. Blume (Eds.), Mathematical understanding for secondary teaching: A framework and classroom-based situations (pp. 385-389). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing
Johnson, H., Reed, S., McClintock, E., Jacobson, E., & Edenfield, K. (2015). The product rule for differentiation: Situation 42 from the MACMTL-CPTM situations project. In M. K. Heid, P. S. Wilson, with G. W. Blume (Eds.), Mathematical understanding for secondary teaching: A framework and classroom-based situations (pp. 425-431). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing