Students’ Goals for Graphing

I share highlights from our research study published on February 28, 2020. (Scroll for article link.) What are students trying to do when sketching graphs? What do students think graphs “should” represent? What We Did We conducted a set of three individual interviews with 13 high school students (8 eleventh grade, 5 ninth grade). Students …

Opportunities for Reasoning Impact Students’ Attitudes and Performance

Opportunities for reasoning matter. Students need math to be more than a race to find answers to other people’s questions. How to create those opportunities? We worked with Dan Meyer and the team at Desmos to develop activities for students to learn how graphs work. You can check out the activities here. Great activities are …

From What iS? to What iF?

To open opportunities for students’ math reasoning, change the questions. Instead of What iS? Ask What iF? The questions look similar. Yet they imply very different responses. What iS? “Give an answer” What iF? “Consider the possibilities” Too often, students experience math as a pursuit of “What iS?” rather than an exploration of “What iF?“ …