Are transformations of functions giving your students trouble? Try a covariation approach.

Consider this problem:

Sketch a graph of a function y=f(x).

Now sketch a graph of y=f(ax) for some constant value a>1.


What kind of graph did you sketch for y=f(x)? How did you decide what to sketch? Did you choose a particular value for a? How does your graph of y=f(ax) compare to your graph of y=f(x)? What is similar? What is different?

It is no secret that students have difficulty making sense of transformations of functions. A covariation approach can help. Here’s how.

A graph of y=f(x) represents a relationship between two “things” that can change: “y” and “x.”

Think about a graph of y=f(x) as representing a relationship between two “things” that can change: “y” and “x

The notation y=f(x) means that y is a function of x. Functions are special kinds of relationships between two “things” that can change. When y is a function of x, as the values of x change, the values of y change in predictable ways.

A graph of y=f(ax) represents a relationship between two “things” that can change: “y” and “ax

The notation y=f(ax) means that y is a function of ax. When y is a function of ax, as the values of ax change, the values of y change in predictable ways. Because a is some constant value greater than one, does not change. Therefore, the changing values of ax depend on changes in the values of x.

Working from a relationship between “y” and “x,” students can make sense of a relationship between”y” and “ax.”

For a function y=f(x), as the values of x change, the values of y change along with them.

For a function y=f(ax), the values of x change by a factor of “a.” This means that “1/ath of the change in x will yield the same amount of change in y as for y=f(x).

Using relationships between changing “things” can help students to make sense of graphs of transformations of functions.

For example, sketch a graph y=f(x). 

Now sketch a new graph with this constraint: “1/2 the change in x will produce the same change in y as for the original function.”


What kind of graph did you sketch for y=f(x)? How did you decide what to sketch? How does your new graph compare to your graph of y=f(x)? What is similar? What is different?

A covariation approach helps students to focus on mathematical relationships. Using relationships is more powerful than trying to remember rules.


  1. So what differences have you seen in learner thinking with this approach?

    • With a covariation approach, I have seen students focus more on a relationship that results in a particular graph shape. For example, students say things such as “distance keeps on going, and the height goes up and down.”

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